Plug the BT0015 dongle in a free USB port 3. Install the CSR Harmony Wireless Software Stack 2. Hello everyone, I have a wonderful news : I SUCCEEDED in connecting the BM10 with a CSR 4.0 bluetouth dongle (mine is BT0015) ! Here is the sequence of operation to follow : 1. I think that's why we're seeing all the problems arise.

When you're entire income revolves around licensing fees, it's safe to say they aren't going to let a licensee throw out a dvd that contains, in essence, an enterprise edition of the codec IMHO. They aren't some new kid on the block, they're just relatively new to the individual retail market. They were/are first and foremost a company geared to large commercial broadcasters. Aptx is proprietary and they charge for their codec. There has been many attempts by some pretty good modders to get the aptx codec running on rooted phones.

A quick visit to any of the android forums will divulge why I think this isnt going to work. I imagine the entire bluetooth stack was installed and it wasn't universal ianas nature. When he installed the drivers from that transmitter, he sure as heck installed a lot more than one codec. How this got to it being simply a matter of trying to install drivers for a specific piece of hardware to the notion that these drivers are unversal is pretty impressive stretch. He then connected to a Soundmatters foxl which is a aptx enabled speaker, iirc. Plug in the adapter and install the drivers for the transmiter. Furthermore, what was described in the initial installation was relatively straightforward. Plug and play instead of having to install from a cd or dvd. Personally, I would try to purchase a device with the drivers embedded. A quick visit to will get you a pretty complete list of every device. From many of the questions asked it seems clear that a lot of people still don't get the basic equation which is simply that both the transmitting device and the receiver device both have to have the aptx codec.