The first playing pieces were made by Dowst Manufacturing Company. These were replaced later in the 1930s by the traditional tokens made from a mix of lead and tin, which didn’t oxidize and turn black in the same way as the Zamak tokens sometimes did. Old Monopoly pieces were made from a zinc alloy known as Zamak. It’s worth noting that there’s some contention over the exact dates for when tokens were introduced, so I’ve used the best estimates. Over the next 12 months, two more pieces were added: the lantern and the rocking horse to make what is considered to be the ten classic Monopoly pieces. Later in 1935, the race car was added to the game to make seven Monopoly tokens, and shortly afterward, the purse was added to make eight. Buy, sell and have a blast!Monopoly Game:Designed for 2 to 6 playersFast-dealing property trading gameBuy, sell and have a blastSpeed die for a faster, more intense Monopoly gameIncludes the new token that was voted No.The six original Monopoly pieces in 1935: Choose your token from the traditional icons including the dog, hat, car, boat, wheelbarrow, cat or thimble, and have a fun game night with this Monopoly board game.

Designed for two to six players, you can compete against a friend or have an all-out real estate bargaining party. If you're a really speedy dealer, use the speed die for a quick and intense transaction. Make deals with other players and look out for bargains. Invest in Monopoly trading game houses and hotels, then watch the rent come pouring in every time someone lands on your holdings. Sites, stations and utilities are all coveted and are all up for grabs. Tour the city for the hottest and most profitable properties. Brand NEW Original Monopoly Board Game Including The Cat FREE US SHIPPINGOwn it all as a high-flying trader in the fast-paced world of Monopoly.