All direct and indirect speech exercises free and with help function, teaching materials and grammar rules. 26429 uses Ktam Reported Speech exercise with answers on reported speech mean Reported Speech - Online Exercises - English Grammar الويبHere's a list of all the reported speech exercises on this site: (Click here to read the explanations about reported speech) Reported Statements: Present Simple Reported Statement Exercise (quite easy) (in PDF here) Present … 岐阜祭り 交通規制 Reported Speech - English Grammar Reported speech LearnEnglish Teens - British Council Reported speech LearnEnglish - British Council exercise with answers on reported speech mean الويبEnglish online reported speech exercises with answers. The tasks help you to revise reported speech and find the point. I compiled 7 different tasks and chose a B&W design to be printer friendly.

Exercise with answers on reported speech 岐阜県高山市奥飛騨温泉郷平湯768-36 Reported questions, Exercise - English - Englisch Lernen Online Reported Speech – Free Exercise - Lingolia Reported Speech Exercises for Class 8 CBSE With Answers - En… الويبMixed tasks to the reported speech * 7 different tasks *.